in movement

Partners / Brandon LaBelle / purple

Partners: Brandon LaBelle

Reflecting on independent culture and the enactments of self-organization: the foundational narrative of an emergent collective imaginary – recalling and rehearsing for a community to come: working at Klub Mama, Zagreb, as an independent space (since the early 2000s, following the war) nurturing a creative culture and filling an institutional void within the city – this space home to many; I started working with the actor Mladen Vujčić, to articulate memories, experiences and dreams of a sociality from below, a being-in-the-space (this fragile place) / a first gesture, less about a definitive act or narrative, and more about capturing a moment.

I wish they would listen… what transformations might happen… if only… that’s what I keep telling them… if only… the ideas we tap out… like secret messages… a secret society… the parallel world… they will never hear it… that’s just how it is… the foreclosed possibility… the new private we have to live…

they’re lost… don’t even sense the earth disappearing… how things could be better…. we really need to get away… with the windows down… warm wind… the night almost… I know you can sense all this… this that is given to us… to us… and that we make… it gives me the chills sometimes… makes me pause and drop and fly… as if…. as if… there could be more… you know what I mean?... the more in the hand… it opens… it spreads… under the notes… tapping…

like something could change… maybe it is about love… yes, something golden… burning… or more like purple…

The purple that may take us away… like the night… the purple diaries… we can write together…