in movement

Projects / The Destituent Lab / West Traffic Island, ED

Partners: Quote—Unquote

See poster work.

I have been living and working in the same neighbourhood for the past 15 years, in the Moșilor-Mântuleasa area. By chance, a couple of friends have also been living or relocating in the area, and became my neighbours. This proximity allowed us to plan multiple activities and leisure rituals, the most extensive being regular neighbourhood walks. 

Alone or in the company of my friends/neighbours, I have been continuously wandering in already highly familiar places and closely observing what Georges Perec would call the infra-ordinary. These habitual walks include close observations of buildings, intersections, parks, pop-up constructions or even an ethereal atmosphere that can be found in a very specific corner, an exhaustive examination of a certain place in a given timeframe, as ways of exercising attention or defusing anxiety.

Irina Radu, Quote—Unquote

With the help and enthusiasm of Maria Năstase and Wilfred Tomescu.

Developed in the context of The Destituent Lab, Bucharest, 2022.


Partners to the project: Brandon LaBelle, Quote—Unquote , Daniela Custrin, Yota Ioannidou, María García Ruiz, Lise Skou, Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan